Dental Marketing Trends for 2022 (and Beyond)

Dentistry is changing at a rapid pace. Dental technology, staffing practices, and dozens of other factors can have a sizable impact on your practice and others throughout the country.  One of the biggest areas of change for dental practices has been marketing. In previous years, a website, a few billboards, and maybe a television ad…

Dental Marketing

What Does “Normal” Dental Marketing Look Like? There’s a well established psychological concept in marketing called social proof. Essentially, social proof means that none of us want to be the guinea pig testing a new idea, a new service, or a new technology, for fear that it will fail and we will look like there’s…


12th Annual Conference on Dental Practice and Oral Health Theme: Recent approaches and developments in Dental CareJUN 22-23, 2022 BOSTON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Periodontitis, or gum disease, is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults. Periodontitis has been associated to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatic cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart…


12th Annual Conference on Dental Practice and Oral Health Theme: Recent approaches and developments in Dental Care JUN 22-23, 2022 BOSTON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA During normal brushing and flossing, you may have observed bleeding gums. It is critical that you understand that bleeding gums are not normal. Gum bleeding is one of the most prevalent…

Importance of Pharmacology in Dentistry

Dentistry is the field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. As a result of the modern lifestyle, dental disorders have become more common. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including increased consumption of junk food and soft drinks, as well…


Changes in our daily routines as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak can be stressful, resulting in dental issues such tooth discomfort, tooth damage, and jaw tightness. Stressful conditions, such as the present health crisis, might worsen the problem if you’ve been informed you grind your teeth or clench your jaw. TEETH GRINDING SIGNSTeeth grinding…

Invisalign Clear Braces’ Top Advantages

The use of traditional braces to straighten teeth is increasingly becoming obsolete as better alternatives, such as Invisalign transparent braces, become available. It’s a cutting-edge treatment that will straighten your teeth, improve your smile, and give you comfort and confidence while staying within your budget. It’s aggravating to see teeth that aren’t even. It not…


There are moments when your tongue simply craves sugar. We are all aware that sweets are hazardous for your teeth. But do you understand why it’s so bad? What about the impact of sweets on your pearly whites? Do you like to reward yourself with a candy bar? Or relaxing with a few lollipops at…

What is Teledentistry?

Teledentistry allows you to receive dental care without having to visit a dentist’s office. Learn more about teledentistry and the effectiveness of transparent aligners that are monitored remotely. According to the American Teledentistry Association, teledentistry is the use of communication technology, such as audio and video contact, to deliver dental care services such as consultation,…

What is Dental Public Health?

Dental public health is a branch of dentistry concerned with assessing dental health requirements and how dental healthcare practices address those needs. The American Dental Association has recognized dental public health as a specialty since 1950, and it is a distinct, non-clinical field focused on promoting dental and oral health across populations rather than among…

Researchers show effectiveness of fluoride-free toothpaste

Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry have shown that new fluoride-free toothpastes with hydroxyapatite can provide equivalent protection to those containing fluoride. Kelsey O’Hagan-Wong, a second-year pediatric dentistry resident, was the first author of a review paper that investigated the efficacy of fluoride-free hydroxyapatite toothpastes on re-mineralizing and therefore repairing teeth. Through her research,…

What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the examination and management of dental health in children. Dental procedures are generally perceived as intimidating and painful experiences that most would like to avoid, especially among children. However, it is vital that children have their milk teeth checked regularly by pediatric dentists for evidence…


Well-aligned teeth have many advantages. Teeth are easier to keep clean and healthy, there is even pressure on the teeth, the enamel wears out more slowly, the teeth and smile look good, the load on the temporomandibular joint is more even, and the bite is more efficient. We offer all types of dental straightening treatments….

Dental Crown / Tooth Cap | Dental Practice 2022

12th Annual Conference on Dental Practice and Oral Health is going to be scheduled on June 22-23, 2022 in BOSTON, USA. It will be encompassed with the theme “Upgrading innovative ideas in the field of Dental science and oral care”. A dental crown, also sometimes referred to as a “cap,” is a type of dental restoration that fits…

Endodontist What is an endodontist?

Endodontists are dentists who specialize in the preservation of teeth through endodontic therapies that involve the soft inner tissue of the teeth, called the pulp. The word “endodontics” comes from “endo” meaning “inside” and “odont” meaning “tooth”. Like many medical terms, it is Greek. All dentists are trained in endodontic diagnosis and therapy, however, some…